1 grudnia 2014

Imperative of freedom

The Power of Powerless Revisited Conference was opened by Danuta Glondys, the director of Villa Decius Association. 25 years after the collapse of communism and the beginning of the democratic transition in the Central and Eastern Europe, a discussion on the costs and  benefits of that process is essential. Who are “the powerless” Anno Domini 2014 and what are their duties? - that was the crucial question raised by Danuta Glondys.

The first one to face the challege was Bogusław Sonik - ex-Member of the European Parliament and the President of Villa Decius Association at the same time. He divided his lecture into three parts. The first one concerned the legacy of the democratic dissidents of the communist period or as B. Sonik quoted Jacek Kuroń “the starry time”. The totalitarian regime of the Soviet Union was built upon a murder. Nevertheless, “even though is relatively easy to get to the power using bayonets, it’s difficult to sit on them”. That’s why the communist regime it simply has to fall sooner or later. Dissdents were the people who made this change possible. Following Havel’s metaphor, opposition activists are like Sisyphus. They struggle even though they’re conscious that their chances for the defeat are at most limited. Nevertheless they stand tall to their values and create the society which is an alternative to the totalitarian system. Even though, their behaviour is usually nothing but simply honest - under communism - that’s a radical attittude. B. Sonik also mentioned that Central and Eastern opposition activists in 70s got inspirations from the dissidents of the Soviet states, e.g. SakharovSolzhenitsynMarchenkoBukovsky, Gorbanevskaya.

Paradoxically, after 1989 living in accordance with the moral values turned out to be more difficult. “Bad character traits exploded in politcs” - said B. Sonik. Populism and demagogy triumphed in public sphere. The society turned away from politics. In order to describe this phenomena, B. Sonik refered to Mario Vargas Llosa. Lack of dictatoriship destroys the public calling of intelligentsia. Politics cannot just be some pragmatic activity. As a result, instittutions are wilting. The public sphere left by the society is filled by nationalism, populism and extremism.

The third part of B. Sonik’s speech touched the topic of the European integration. According to B. Sonik, we shall remain supportive towards our Eastern European neighbuours who not only face the predicaments of transforation but also suffer from the imperialist agenda of Russia.

Bogusław Sonik concluded his lecture with an appeal to the young people. According to his words, young people not only should stay courageous but also develop their skills and competences so they could act responsibly in the public sphere.

Ziemowit Jóźwik

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