Are we safe nowadays? Such a crucial question was the main topic of the special lecture of Adam Daniel Rotfeld. The former minister of the foreign affairs opened his speech with pointing out "three new dangerous phenomenons, namely: uncertainty, insecurity, instability". Due to the end of the bipolar world, the international relations became less stable but more safe. The only constant thing in nowadays world is the change. The most important problem here is that the old structures are not entirely ready for the forthcoming developments. "While institutions are static by nature, the reality is dynamic" - A. D. Rotfeld underlined. A good example offered by ex-minister is a modern war. Nowadays an international conflict is no longer a typical battle between two armies. "It doesn't even have to be international". Currently, the most dangerous conflicts are usually internal clashes. "Is the international law ready for such situations?" - A. D. Rotfeld asked rhetorically.
A. D. Rotfeld stated that the new means should be based on the old, so called "decalogue of the public international law" established by the Helsinki Declaration. This should also include the "responsibility to protect" rule.
A. D. Rotfeld concluded his speech in a philosophical way. "Hedonism cannot be the basic principle of public life". In this case, the former minister sees Christianity as an inspiration. "There's a deep thought in Christianity that the greatest pleasure is the sacrifice (...) A great example to follow here is Sergio Vieira de Mello".
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